Q-Drain C20 65 10F
Geocomposite with monofilament core sandwiched between two nonwovens, 20 mm thick
Q-Drain® is a drainage geocomposite obtained from extruded PP monofilaments, bonded with two filter elements (non-woven geotextiles). The C range is bicuspid (pyramidal), ideal for giving the product thicknesses of 15 mm. A PE membrane (available in various thicknesses) can be provided on request. Used in applications like landfills, contaminated sites and reinforced soil projects.
Drainage (Landfills and contaminated sites) | Drainage (Reinforced earth structures) |
Landfills and contaminated sites | Reinforced earth structures |
Landfills and contaminated sites
- CATEGORY 20 mm , COUPLING , DIMENSION DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITES AND MEMBRANES , DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITES AND MEMBRANES , Drainage Geocomposites and Membranes for Landfills and contaminated sites , Drainage Geocomposites and Membranes for Reinforced earth structures , Drainage Landfills and Contaminated Sites , Drainage Landfills and contaminated sites , GEO , GEO APPLICATIONS , GEO PRODUCTS , Geocomposites , LANDFILLS AND CONTAMINATED SITES , REINFORCED EARTH STRUCTURES , SUBTYPE DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITES AND MEMBRANES , With Non Wowen Geotextile