Stay updated with our news: technical info and events in the geotechnical, civil/environmental engineering and architectural world.

Our passion for work does not stop, it simply continues at our company, in a little more limited way. You certainly cannot see us running up and down building sites or going in and out of our research labs, but we can assure you that we are still working on our production of geosynthetic products

For the “VOCI DA…” column, the radio and television broadcaster Venetoglobe interviewed Luciano Mazzer, asking for his opinion, as an entrepreneur and as president of the major international group IWIS, on the current situation. He offers a frank picture of this difficult time that raises concerns about the future and about its partners at production

At an historic moment in time when everything is coming to a halt, we must not forget that we still have ways to increase our knowledge and get ready for the time when everything gets back to normal. The home, for obvious reasons, is now the focus of our thoughts. The more days go by,

We know that our bike has become a mirage. But we can promise ourselves to use it more when this period of seclusion is over. Meanwhile, why don’t we take advantage of the time available to discover interesting things all around us? For example, cycle paths. Let’s start at the beginning. What is the correct

Geo Solutions is the TeMa division that has been developing technologies and products for protection, maintenance and drainage in the field of major environmental works for over twenty years.   A SPECIAL FOCUS ON THE TERRITORY More specifically, due to the location of its first production unit – situated near the hills that are now

In 2018, we were called to a private house in Pordenone. As a result of sudden and severe meteorological events, the escarpment behind a reinforced concrete retaining wall collapsed. We were quick to intervene to avoid any kind of damage, since the house was under construction and the environmental impact had to be almost minimal.

Just imagine the face of those present when Elisha Otis, a smart American entrepreneur, presented the first elevator in 1853. It was enlightening! During an exhibition at Crystal Palace in New York, visitors were shown how the enclosure works, which was fitted with an automatic safety device for blocking it in the event of an

Successful collaboration

In all three of its divisions, TeMa has an in-company technical department that supports and assists its customers in the various phases of implementing a project. We take care of all the details, from choosing the solution to using the method of installation.   At TeMa, our technicians use in-depth analysis and cutting-edge software to

A new wellbeing range

As humans, one of our basic needs is to create a nest that is warm and dry, and protected from bad weather conditions, hoping that a woodpecker will not come along and live above this nest. Unfortunately, we do not always realise that what affects people’s wellbeing is not only the pleasure of the warmth

The appearance of damp on walls may be due to various possible causes. The most common include the absence of waterproofing systems in the external part of the wall, the one in contact with the foundation soil, the absence of any efficient mechanical protection that may cause damage to the waterproofing system, or the presence

On October 7, 8 and 9 you will find us at the “The 17th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering” in Cape Town, South Africa.   Innovation and sustainability in geotechnics for the developing Africa This fair is very important for the African continent because it will allow professionals, academics and students

TeMa has launched its new sales office, TeMa South Africa, which is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. It will be the new company node for the entire sub-Saharan area and offer the complete product range and technology of the 3 company divisions: Building, Geo and Interior Solutions. Ruggero Fontana is the Sales Manager for Africa.