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TeMa Corporation - Proud to be BEE certified

Proud to be BEE certified

Our strength is that we never stop striving for the best, in everything: we are at the forefront in researching new materials, studying innovative solutions, focusing on the environment and exploiting resources… We couldn’t be any less inclusive. Our company operates worldwide, we have branches in practically all continents and the concept of ‘internationalisation’ is

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TeMa Interior - Protect external pavements with drainage geocomposites

Autumn precipitation, winter frosts and scorching summer heat may even be followed by a downpour lasting a few minutes. Terraces and balconies, or outdoor flooring in general, are affected by seasonal and sometimes daily weather events and temperature fluctuations that put the resistance of flooring at risk. So how can we protect them? Drainage geocomposites

TeMa Building - Vapour diffusion, retarder and barrier: how do they differ?

On flat or sloping roofs, water and moisture arrive from outside with atmospheric precipitation. However, water seepage is just as hazardous and is created inside with vapour that may accumulate as a result of temperature changes between outdoor and indoor environments. In building elements, the persistence of moisture and condensation can cause a structure to

costruzione e sistemazione delle strade

The safety of road infrastructures is the main goal, and maintenance work – whether preventive or supplementary – is systematic. Road surfaces withstand heavy traffic loads and atmospheric changes with significant variations in temperature. Constant maintenance is therefore required in order to ensure even surfaces and the stability of structural elements. Let’s look at the

TeMa Interior Solutions - Swimming pool shower rooms

Don’t smile at the obvious: a swimming pool is one of the most humid environments you can find, especially the changing rooms, where there are shower rooms and often inadequate aeration. Vapour, water drops on the walls and permanently wet floors are the problems we find, but the unknown arises when humidity also penetrates the

TeMa Building - Internal damp walls

Many factors can influence the presence of damp stains on the walls of your home. It isn’t pleasant to find that your walls are damaged low down and you need to do something about it. However, there are ways to prevent the problem directly. Let’s take a closer look at the causes of damp walls

TeMa Geo - Drenaggio nei campi da calcio

Let’s take a step back: nowadays, synthetic turf fields are the most cost-effective solution for football clubs, for both the first team and the youth sector. So, the construction of a synthetic system is an opportunity not to be missed. It is therefore important to construct a synthetic field that is ideal for the type

TeMa Corporation - Our approach to green energy

International Energy Saving Day is drawing near and we, being keen to respect the environment by integrating with it rather than forcing it, feel personally involved. We are experiencing a period in which the issue of energy sources has escalated on a global scale, challenging the plans and forecasts of organisations. Events have led to

Building - Piani interrati e consigli di utilizzo

Nowadays, certain solutions allow you to create perfectly liveable and comfortable basements. Of course, existing little-used basements can also be renovated, but you need to take some constructive measures to ensure that the building is in good condition and the environment is healthy. So let’s see what we need to focus on. Damp and moisture

TeMa Interior Solutions - Soundproofing the bathroom

Having a shower in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn, flushing the toilet, walking heavily barefoot, dropping bottles, a washing machine spinning, water draining or a jacuzzi in operation. All such activities often take place at times when your neighbours may not want to hear you. Nothing illegal, but it’s

TeMa Geo Solutions - reinforced earth structures and geogrids

In recent years, reinforced earth structures have been particularly popular in projects due to their excellent functional and aesthetic importance in the residential building and public building industries. Such intervention works achieve the best results by allowing the soil and geosynthetics to “work in synergy”, each one with its own features of ensuring the stability

Building - Roof's problems and solutions

“A hole in the roof is enough to ruin a home.” So the (Italian) saying goes. Of course, there may not be any holes in the roof in the strict sense of the word, but, unfortunately, in a broad sense there might be. Roofs are subject to problems such as water seepage, damp and, in