There have been several bills that have tried to bring this legal instrument to fruition, but it has never completed the parliamentary approval process.
What is the Building file
The building dossier is a legal institution, consists of a dossier , kept by the owner of each building or by the condominium administrator, on the state of health of the building . Information concerning the building is noted on the file:
• of identification type
• design
• structural
• plant
• environmental
The goal is to arrive at a suitable cognitive framework that includes the construction phases of the same, and the recording of the changes made with respect to the original configuration, with reference to the static, functional and plant components. The dossier, for its purposes, provides for an update with a frequency not exceeding ten years.
What is it for?
The building dossier is a tool for monitoring and preventing the state of conservation of the building stock aimed at identifying the risk situations of the buildings and planning over time renovations and maintenance to improve the quality of the buildings manufactured. The intention is to give even a further possibility, during the sale and purchase, to the future owners of a property to be able to evaluate the affective state of the property. So that they can prefer stable with a better conservative state. This could trigger a virtuous circle, which involves everyone in keeping the buildings as close as possible to solid and safe structures.
The Ischia earthquake
It should make us think that we can die for a earthquake of magnitude four, as happened recently on the island of Ischia , a territory notoriously vulnerable not only for seismic risk, but also volcanic and hydrogeological. What happened was therefore predictable, since collapsing were those houses that sinned in elementary building rules.
To certify the state of security of the buildings with the building dossier could represent a valid safeguard and civil prevention measure.