Drainage ditches

Drainage trenches

Drainage ditches are a type of drainage system designed to remove or drain water from/into the surrounding soil. By reducing interstitial pressure, they are generally used to stabilize soil,.

Drainage ditches are traditionally trenches dug out with a rectangular cross-section and filled with highly permeable natural inert material (gravel or quarried aggregate). Water can be carried along the ditch by means of the gravel or using a drainage pipe laid in the base of the ditch.

Tema produces a drainage geocomposite that could be used instead of the permeable inert material described above.

The geocomposite is able to convey the water to the pipe collection system and prevent it from clogging the drainage pipe, by wrapping it with nonwoven fabric.

Drainage trenches

Download the brochure and learn more about which TeMa products are best suited to this application.

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