Synthetic turf soccer fields

Synthetic turf soccer fields are a much more popular choice today than their natural grass counterparts. The reason lies in the numerous advantages associated with the use of an artificial covering: low maintenance; pitch life-to-hours of play ratio; better performance, even with adverse weather conditions.

TeMa offers environmental engineering solutions for the horizontal drainage of water in the shape of Q-Drain ZW8 Football, the drainage geocomposite that, used in conjunction with the T-Kanal System, provides a complete package for lasting optimal results in the installation and maintenance of synthetic turf soccer fields.

Download the brochure and learn more about which TeMa products are best suited to this application.

  • Geocomposito drenante con anima in monofilamenti e con due tnt

    Q-Drain ZW8 WP Football 75 10F

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  • Accessories for the fixing of Q Drain Football to T Kanal

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  • T-Grill Football, grill for synthetic turf soccer fields

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  • Concrete drainage channel with asymmetrical profile

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  • Concrete drainage channel with asymmetrical profile

    T-Kanal System

    Canal + Grill + Fixing Complete system, including channel, grate and hammer-in expansion anchors for soccer field dr...
  • Band to connect each other the rolls of artificial grass

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  • Temapur Football B bonding system

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  • Geocomposito drenante con anima in monofilamenti e con due tnt

    Q-Drain ZW8 WP Football 75 10F

    Geocomposite with monofilament core sandwiched between a waterproofing film and a nonwoven Drainage geocomposite mad...
  • Concrete drainage channel with asymmetrical profile

    T-Kanal Football

    Concrete channel Concrete channel with asymmetrical walls for soccer field drainage.   Functions Drainage and p...
  • Concrete drainage channel with asymmetrical profile

    T-Kanal System

    Canal + Grill + Fixing Complete system, including channel, grate and hammer-in expansion anchors for soccer field dr...